Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Your Life Map

Welcome to the future right there Readers!  Innovative, efficient, and what an ingenious take on something so cool.  I am more and more impressed as I listen!  I really needed something put my ownlife map into perspective, because while I could be fooled once upon a time how life works and looks, its much more difficult to do so.  I think that's because I've regressed into an adult, I've lost my own touches of magic with all of the craziness I've placed myself through.  I can't help thinking about how optional everything has become, I lived my life so much in 7 months it still baffles me, but now I'm walking.  I'm walking along my map, and I don't think I can live through that anymore.  Does that make sense?  I hope so.

The reading for Digital Communications was based on the importance of how to view landscapes and scenes.  Cool right?  Like have you ever noticed what part of a scene you particularly look at, whether it be the right or left of a still, or ignore the periphery?  Watch how your eyes adjust to a horror movie to take in even the slightest bits of detail?  I can't help but think of how I was tricked into believing the funniest concepts as a kid, and now as an artist (someone called me this :D) I am trying to perceive everything with a more developed lens.

"If you aren't the least bit scared, then you aren't aiming high enough" -Susan Clark (my therapist not the article)

I love how we are told to look a certain way, act a certain way, believe a certain way, and we do.  Because we refuse to be afraid, something that is natural.  We look at different things and fill in the blanks, I read through the article and couldn't refer it to how we live.  Sometimes pieces of life aren't for me, and they aren't for you?  And what's wrong with saying "no thanks" to some things?  Because we should try to do that when we are made to look, act, and believe a certain way.  That's not who we are, that's who someone else is.

Love Media Mike!

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