Thursday, October 31, 2013

Your Life Page 82

Hello!  Happy Halloween!~
Not that I am one to quote the movie almost each and everyday, but usually if I have accomplished a large goal and only have minor ones or I'm intoxicated, I do get really bitchy.  "Oh by all means do move at a glacial pace, you know how that entertains me" <------ it doesn't get any better than that.  Just saying.  After working a different set of jobs I can't help but have an appreciation for different aspects of life.  Like I am one of those people that eats out (at generally cheap restaurants) most days of the week.  I've worked at three separate restaurants and I understand the build that goes into a 7 dollar quesadilla, and how expensive a 7 dollar quesadilla may be.  In the class that I write this particular blog for, we are being productive to prepare for a potential job in this field, and now our job is to make a video.  Needless to say the sun isn't shining on me right now.

I once participated in writing college essays for my younger cousin, she had a bunch of random essays to do and was like "MIKE HELP ME" pretty desperately.  I applied to a good number of schools that didn't have essays and were free for a reason ; ).  My favorite essay, without a second thought, was the "In a 500 Page Memoir of Your Life, what is on page 82" or something or another.  If I actually knew the college I would look it up once more, but my memory is fuzzy and I couldn't help her.  Well I did come up with some good premise ideas from the time I spent with her, yet I couldn't help but think what a struggle that must be for a highschool student.  Its a very good supplementary essay to give, I'm still impressed.

"Sometimes I get 6 to 7 hours of footage to edit into 30 seconds"- Craig Lewandowski, Editor

I'm a critic, we are all critics.  So how do we edit our lives?  Is this another facet of social media use or something that comes to our hygiene?  Or every aspect of life for that matter?  Editing is a very complex process and credits at the end of a movie truly aren't long enough.  When it comes to my favorite aspect of life, publishing comes with so many counters that just a name on the book isn't enough.  I never used to read the acknowledgements at the end or front of a book, yet now I do every single time because of how important they are.  Every form of media comes with a grand deal of work, and I feel like with the reading of the editing process we can appreciate our life outlets even more.

~Love Media Mike

Thursday, October 17, 2013

I Wonder (No Kidding)

Dear People who are Bored,
My picture describes my usual reactions to those conversations in public that are particularly....shall we go with vapid?  In Open Sky: Radical Thinkers by Paul Virilio part 3 discusses the importance of identity in the public versus cultural sphere.  Well in a way he does, because in the context he refers our digital selves versus our public selves.  I'd like to add our "private selves" as well,  because that's a third part of the context.  I don't really much of a difference between the three, I'm open with all contexts.  At this point I would say there isn't much variation between the three now once upon a time there most certainly were, and I don't regret that in the slightest.  Now I'm just sort of me, and if people don't enjoy it they can wipe my butt.  I love how no one does not use the phrase yet its not lewd at all, nasty?  Yes.  Lewd?  Could be worse.

Thursday, October 10, 2013


No one really misses this.  I mean come on, that generation is over and now they are singing this whenever karaoke comes on for a good laugh.  I appreciated all of her music, I won't lie, I make the climb.  I know that I'm not perfect and I like getting crazy, to name a few.  I guess there are a lot of moments when I decide I want to think out life and this is another one.  Have you ever wondered who you truly may be?  Like who you will end up being in 20 years?  I mean I'd like to say "yeah I know exactly who I'd be" but I don't.  I never really had a person who I'd be or dreamed to be, I had a few goals, but none of my own goals are long term.  Well I would like to be an author and publish my six book series.  That's my longest long term dream that I have pure control over.  Having kids, a husband, and a cat and a dog won't happen alone.  That will come with someone else and I wonder who's going to deal with my lack of sanity and vice versa.

So the nastiest part of that picture is I've had three of those, and I can tell you I appreciated two and vommed for the third.  The Bison Grass?  Yeah sounds just like it tastes.  Bison shit in grass.  No offense to the product and those who like it but my vegetarianism was short lived.  Actually even then it wouldn't have been an option, and I sort of miss my vegetarianism.  ANYWHO!  
How I feel about actual work and midterms.  Who are you after having a good number of drinks?  Are you happy-go-lucky or one of those criers?  I think that our drunken selves are who we are without all of those useless inhibitions.  People say they can't tell I'm intoxicated because I'm just as much trouble as before, except I'm smarter with it from time to time.  I take it as a compliment, its a social stigma to be one of those people that gets vommed on.  Just saying.  So do you believe that you'll be the same person in 20 years as you are now when drunk?  Or is that pushing it.  

Love Media Mike!

Tuesday, October 8, 2013


Everything falls down eventually so why not yell it out!  Now I always tend to post philosophical tidbits on life and well the reading was actually beyond philosophical it was obnoxious.  To sum it all up we work on the premise now a days that everything happens at a constant notion, like if we aren't immediately gratified then life is much more difficult than you can potentially imagine.  In reality?  Not so much.

I was rocking out to this song all morning and convinced myself that the world is a better place, because technically and in all reality, it is!  The moments I have had that make life worth living are everyday.  Yelling timber in excitement while walking across campus people could not tell I spent the day in the hospital yesterday and failed a test because of it.  But what in life is your GPA going to do for you 20 years down the line, nothing.  I know someone who graduated with a double major, a minor, and a 4.0!  a 4.0!  Guess who has a job!?  Not her.  Do you know why?  I do.  Because she lacks the ability to socialize, she profiles every conversation into an academic realm and has the rhetorical appeal of a newt.  So she better run and move to learn those things.  Now I am going to be selfish and talk about my life.  My GPA is a 2.4 and I have three job offers.  Because I know people and I do my best to do just that.  I've had a few shitty life experiences and every single one of them comes with a gold and silver lining.  The rest of it?  I need to drop it and be stronger.  Items of life only hurt you when you let them.  The only things in life where you can get instant gratification is when you do something for yourself.  That's a lesson only learned the hard way though.  Timber!

Love Media Mike

P.S. Kesha is one of my idols so don't hate, and if you do, do your research.  She's a badass.

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Framing the Real You

Dear Strangers and Stalkers,
I started eating candy corn the moment Walmart started selling it, aka last year, yet still and all what is the best part about October?  "Halloween is when girls can dress as slutty as they want" without any ramifications.  I'm disappointed in myself that I can't properly quote the movie like I should, yet I know if I say "I'm a Mouse, duh!" then you'll get it.  Welcome to October!  I'm a lover of costumes and everything you can do with them in any situation.  Be afraid for mine, I always go to a place in NYC to get the best possible fashion statement.  In those misguided moments in my past I was a cow and let's just say the utters were disturbingly realistic.  This year I'm going to fulfill a promise I made freshman year to myself, and I'm sort of intimidated.

I tried to find a horrifying pictures yet it gave people nightmares on that year, needless to say it wasn't pretty.  Now languages and images would be nothing without their framing, correct?  Like if we all didn't take the importance of our existing ideologies, conventions and shared assumptions, we wouldn't be able to translate what people were saying.  That was one of my favorite moments studying abroad, how I conceptualized different cultures to how they conceptualized america?  That was fantastic.  Nothing is more eye opening than seeing how you truly see yourself after seeing how you take in a new environment.  Our sentence structures are like geometry theorems, If Then we understand.  

That one time I used this as a life inspiration.  Oh yea that was yesterday.

Love Media Mike